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Spring is the perfect time to get your lawn in shape for the warmer months ahead. Use this guide to help prepare your lawn for the growing season and ensure it stays healthy and lush all season long.
Prepare the Lawn
As the weather starts to warm up, your lawn will start to come out of its dormant state and begin to grow again. Preparing your lawn for spring involves a few important steps that will help ensure a healthy and lush lawn throughout the growing season.
Remove Large Debris
Removing debris from the lawn after winter is an important step in preparing it for the growing season. Over the winter months, leaves, twigs, and other debris can accumulate on the lawn, which can block sunlight and impede growth.
Rake the Lawn
Raking the lawn is the next step in preparing your lawn for spring. Raking helps to loosen the top layer of soil, which can become compacted over time from foot traffic and the weight of winter snow. When the soil is compacted, it can be difficult for water, air, and nutrients to reach the roots of the grass, which can lead to poor growth and even bare patches.
Aerate the Lawn
Aeration allows water, air, and nutrients to reach the roots of the grass. This can be done by using an aerator or by manually poking holes in the soil with a garden fork.
Revive the Lawn
Spring is the ideal time to revive a lawn that may have been damaged or neglected over the winter. As the weather starts to warm up, the soil begins to thaw, and the grass starts to grow again. Reviving a lawn in spring involves a series of steps that will help to rejuvenate the grass and bring it back to life.
Soil Test & Soil Amendments
A soil test determines the nutrient and pH levels in a specific area of soil. This information can then be used to determine what types of amendments, if any, should be applied to the soil in order to create optimal growing conditions for the lawn.
To conduct a soil test, a sample of soil is collected from the area of interest and sent to a lab for analysis. The lab will measure the levels of various nutrients and pH to provide a report with recommendations for amendments.
Repair bare spots and overseed
Repairing bare spots and overseeding in the spring allows the new grass seed to take advantage of the optimal growing conditions and establish itself before the heat of summer sets in.
Our Fairway Formula Grass Seed contains only the highest-performing seed blends and mixtures that help you build a strong, thick lawn. Backed by over 25+ years of development, our 100% pure grass seed blends and mixes are guaranteed to help you grow strong, thick grass.
Combine with Fairway Formula Seeding Success to guarantee grass seed germination. Seeding Success contains starter fertilizer (to promote grass growth), paper mulch (to retain moisture), and a special tackifier that helps it stay in place on sloped areas or during heavy wind.
Fertilizing in the spring helps to replenish the nutrients that the lawn may have lost during the winter and provides the necessary nutrients for growth. It also helps to encourage deeper root growth, which will help the lawn to better withstand the heat and stress of summer.
Maintain the Lawn
Proper maintenance during the spring will help ensure a healthy and lush lawn throughout the warm months. Here are the key steps you need to take to maintain your lawn during spring.
Weed Control
By controlling weeds in the spring, before they have a chance to establish themselves, you can prevent them from competing with your lawn for resources such as water, sunlight, and nutrients. This will help to ensure that your lawn remains healthy, lush, and green throughout the growing season.
Prevent over 200+ weeds including crabgrass, dandelion, and clover with GreenView Fairway Formula Weed & Feed and Crabgrass Preventer. This 3-in-1 formula kills weeds, prevents crabgrass, and provides continuous nutrients to your lawn for up to 12 weeks.
Mow often but never mow more than 1/3 of the grass blade height to avoid stress and damage. The most common mowing height is 2-3 inches.
Be sure to sharpen your lawn mower blades for a clean, even cut. Jagged cuts to grass can increase the chances of lawn disease.
Water your lawn deeply and infrequently in the spring to encourage deeper roots and create more drought resistance.
The best time to water your lawn is in the morning or evening when temperatures are cooler to reduce the risk of evaporation.
Apply water slowly to ensure it reaches the roots and the soil is moistened roughly 6-8 inches in the ground.
It's important to note that a lawn's watering needs depend on your area's climate and weather conditions. Be sure to monitor the weather and adjust your watering schedule accordingly.