Fertilizer Coverage Chart

How much do I need?

Most bags of fertilizer offered on greenviewfertilizer.com cover either 5,000 or 10,000 sq ft. Once you have determined your lawn's square footage, you need to "round-up" your calculated square footage to the next 5,000 sq ft increment. For example, if your yard is 21,000 sq ft, then you would need to purchase enough fertilizer to cover 25,000 sq ft. Here is a chart to help.

Acreage Chart
Area in Acres Area in Square Feet You need to plan for…
1/10 4,356 5,000 sq ft
1/8 5,445 10,000 sq ft
1/5 8,712 10,000 sq ft
1/4 10,890 15,000 sq ft
1/3 14,520 15,000 sq ft
3/8 16,335 20,000 sq ft
1/2 21,780 25,000 sq ft
3/4 32,670 35,000 sq ft
1 43,560 45,000 sq ft